Published Aug 19, 2016
Newcomer Q&A: Nate Strong
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Pete Scantlebury  •  PowerMizzou
Staff chatted with running back Nate Strong about his wait for eligibility and his quick adjustment to life at Mizzou. I know this must have been kind of a confusing summer for you, with being unsure if you were going to make it or not. But a lot of people don’t know is your JUCO path was actually really fast. What was that process like?

Nate Strong: It was pretty tough on me, but I pulled through. I really enjoyed my time being there, and I got to experience a lot of different things. I learned to keep jumping over obstacles and keep going, regardless of what you’re going through or what comes your way, you have to keep going. With the classroom and everything, it was pretty awesome and everything was cool. I just pulled through, kept doing what I was doing. Study. Focus. Staying humble, and just kept my faith that I was gonna finish strong.

PM: When you finally found out you were clear -- what was that feeling?

NS: It was a lot of pressure that took off me, like a big burden. I really was happy. I felt like I jumped over one obstacle and now I can keeping jumping over others that keep appearing in my way. It was pretty cool for me. My family was happy for me. Coaching staff was happy for me. It was pretty cool.

PM: So you’ve been here for a month. What’s been the biggest thing you’ve had to get used to?

NS: Your motor. Your motor has to keep going. When you start, you have to keep going all the way til you finish and you can’t stop. THat’s a big thing that I had to get used to, coming from a JUCO and everything. But it’s pretty cool. Everything’s falling into place like it’s supposed to and I’m just blessed to be here.

PM: Have you gotten any good advice so far from any of your teammates?

NS: The best I had, my friend Terry Beckner, just do what you’re supposed to do. Stay strong, whatever they tell you to do, just do it. Stay out of everybody’s way. Staying focused is the main thing. Staying focused, staying humble, and being smart on your decision making. That’s the main thing he told me.

PM: You got injured early last year at Hinds, right? What’s your eligibility left?

NS: Yeah, I came down on a tackle, and a guy came in and hit me in the arm. But I got a medical redshirt, so I got four for four (four years to play four years).

PM: In the spring, there were some depth issues in the running back room, but now they’ve added you, they’ve added Damarea and they’ve added Alex Ross. Missouri hasn’t had big backs like you guys in some time. What’s that dynamic like?

NS: It’s a good vibe, from everyone. Everybody’s just happy about it, the coaching staff. We really just excited about our program in this coming up season. We just happy to have the big running backs in the rotation like we do.

PM: OK, I’ve been asking all the new guys these quick questions. Who’s the funniest guy in your signing class or on the team?

NS: J’Mon. He is funny, man. Very funny. He’s just real funny. Whenever you want to laugh, just go around J’Mon and he’ll make you laugh.

PM: Who is the best dressed?

NS: I would say Culkin, the tight end. He dresses best every time.

PM: Who is the fastest?

NS: I’m not sure. In the running, it would be Anthony Sherrils, Ray Wingo, and K9. He can run pretty good.

PM: From what you’ve seen, who is the strongest player?

NS: I would say, let me think. He is a linebacker. Beisel, yeah, Eric Beisel.
