Published Sep 28, 2022
PowerMizzou Live: Georgia Week
Gabe DeArmond & Jarod Hamilton

Every Wednesday afternoon throughout the football season, publisher Gabe DeArmond and football beat writer Jarod Hamilton will go live to talk Tiger football. We'll give you the latest news on the team and take your questions every week during the year.

Join us live at 3:15 on Wednesday as we take stock of the Tigers and preview the matchup with Georgia with Anthony Dasher of

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At the conclusion of the show each week, we will publish an audio only version. Listen to the podcast below or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

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Our weekly show is presented to you by James Carlton Insurance. James and his team of eight are all located right here in the Show-Me State. They can provide you coverage in both Missouri and Illinois. If you're looking for a new agent, or just want to make sure you're getting the best deal you can, contact James and his team today.

James Carlton is a big Mizzou fan and a supporter of the Tigers. To prove that, for every Mizzou fan who contacts the office and mentions hearing about their services on, James will donate $20 to Advancing Missouri Athletes, Mizzou's NIL collective. Get in touch with him today. Help yourself and the Tigers.

Click here to get in touch with James Carlton and his team today

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Scores / Schedule
10 - 3
Overall Record
5 - 3
Conference Record
2024 schedule not available.