Over the next two weeks, we'll run a Q&A with every player on the Mizzou basketball roster for the 2022-23 season. We continue today with walk-on Ben Sternberg.
Tell me about your path here and the decision to come with Coach Gates.
BS: "I think it was a pretty easy choice, honestly. Coach Gates has been like a mentor to me my whole life, my whole last three years. I was a manager at Cleveland State. He allowed me to do that. I was at a junior college and you know, my mind wasn't right on school, and I wasn't getting the greatest grades, but he gave me a chance to be on the team if I got a 3.0 GPA. So ever since then, you know, he didn't really just change my life in basketball, but he changed my life in school or just other stuff in basketball too. So, you know him coming here was a very easy choice for me."