Every week, PowerMizzou.com publisher Gabe DeArmond answers questions from Tiger fans in the mailbag. This format allows for a more expansive answer than a message board post. Keep your eye out each week to submit your question for the mailbag or send them to powermizzou@gmail.com. On to this week's inquiries.
TigerCruise asks: If you had to guess, are Nikko and/or Mitchell Smith on the roster next year?
GD: It's always been our policy that we don't speculate on transfers and push kids out the door until the time arrives where it becomes necessary. It's not at that point yet. There are always transfers at the end of every season and it's our expectation Missouri won't be any different but as far as speculating on individual players, it's just not something we like doing.
SEC ENDZONE asks: What are your football signing expectations for the February deadline?
GD: Angel Matute is enrolled in classes. We expect Missouri to add two more players next week, both defensive ends. Steven Linton and Sci Martin both visited last weekend. In an ideal world, Missouri will sign those two and be done. If they miss on one or both of them, we think it will go beyond signing day searching for a defensive end or two. As of now we can't say for sure where either will go, but feel more confident about Martin than Linton.