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2024 Macadoodles Mailbag: 21st Edition

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Every week, publisher Gabe DeArmond answers questions from Tiger fans in the mailbag. This format allows for a more expansive answer than a message board post. Keep your eye out each week to submit your question for the mailbag or send them to On to this week's inquiries.

cln475 asks: What is the most memorable sporting event you watched in person with your dad and with your kids?Mine were a Dodgers game with my father in 1977. I don't even remember the game really. He picked me up after school. I did not know where we were going and we ended up at Dodger Stadium at Chavez Ravine. We had a hot dog and soda, it was just a good day.With my son, it was 2013. It was the last game of the regular season. My son and I went and saw the Tigers beat Johnny Manziel and the Aggies 28-21. We rushed the field with the rest of the crowd and took pictures with Marcus Murphy, Markus Golden and Andrew Wilson. Good times.

GD: I've had the good fortune to get to see a lot of pretty cool stuff. But a couple definitely stand out here.

In 2006, a friend of mine managed to get me VIP passes to the U.S. Senior Open at Prairie Dunes in Hutchinson, KS. I had two passes and asked my dad if he wanted to go. We followed Tom Watson most of the day. Watson was known as Kansas City's third professional sports franchise when I was growing up. He was the reason I got into golf. His run of eight majors was over by the time I started watching golf, but he was still the main reason I watched all the majors for a long time. We'd walk a few holes with Watson, duck into one of the tents for a drink and some food then catch back up with him. Watching a Kansas City legend that my dad and I both cheered for is one of my favorite things I've gotten to do. We also both got to cover Armageddon at Arrowhead together in 2007 which was a lifetime memory, but it was different. Less beer and wings, more work at that one.

With my kids, it's a tougher call. My youngest son isn't a sports fan. He'd go to games with us mostly for the concessions (and because he was too young to stay home by himself). My favorite days with him haven't been at sporting events.

My oldest is a die-hard though. He and I went to the 2014 AL Wild Card game, which I still think is one of the two best sporting events I've seen in person. I've written about that night a lot and it's one I'll absolutely never forget. We got home about 3 am and neither one of us was even tired. A few weeks later we went to Game 7 of the World Series. He was devastated when the Royals lost. I just told him some time down the road he'd appreciate that there are probably only about a million people who can say they've ever been at Game 7 of the World Series and we can say we have. The third one that jumps out is the 13 seconds game when the Chiefs beat the Bills in the playoffs. The Wild Card game will probably always be my favorite. Last year, when the NFL Draft was in Kansas City, he and I went for the first two days. Standing probably 100 yards from the stage waiting for the first round to begin he said "Check this one off the list. We've gotten to see a lot of cool stuff." That was a proud dad moment for me. Because I'd have enjoyed all of those games no matter what. But they were better because I got to see them with my kid and for him to realize that he's gotten to see a lot more things than a lot of people get to was awesome.

MUValjean asks: What kind of activities do the football and basketball players engage in during this time of year? I suspect there is little to no contact with the coaches... do the players organize? Or is this time off?

GD: Right now, most of them are probably taking a couple weeks off. It's the only time they really get off all year between the end of second semester and the start of summer. They'll be back on campus in the next week or two for conditioning and whatever individual and team workouts are allowed. And, yes, a lot of them get together and organize things on their own either by position group or with the team.


Graphic Edge Guy asks: Of all the SEC stadiums and towns you've been does Mizzou rank in terms of:1) College town2) College campus3) Football Stadium4) Complete this sentence: The last time there was as much excitement, anticipation, and optimism going into a Mizzou football season as there is in 2024 was________________________ .In my memory there have been four special Mizzou seasons where we finished the year as one of the top teams in the country...1969, 2007, 2013, and 2023. The next year after each of the first three we finished worse the next season even though expectations were sky high. In 1970...Joe Moore got hurt and Dan Devine closed out a stellar career with a sub .500 season. In 2008, we started great...but finished 10-4...but lost back2back conference games to OSU and Texas... and had the horrible loss to kansas and a blowout loss to OU at the end of the season. In 2014...we started slow (with losses to Indiana and Georgia at home) but finished strong with the Bowl win over Minnesota. A pretty good 11-3 season...but still a step back from the previous year.5) MY QUESTION: WHY CAN/SHOULD WE HOPE & EXPECT THIS GREATLY ANTICIPATED SEASON TO BE BETTER?


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