football Edit

Barry Odom's week three press conference


Barry Odom met the media on Tuesday to talk about the Tigers as they prepare for a matchup with SEMO. Click on the player below to listen to the press conference or read the complete transcript below.


Opening Statement

"You know, looking back at our previous game, the things that stood out, you know, as I thought after the game, but given a chance to go through the video a number of times, and you look, the things that stood out, that obviously helped us win the game were the turnover margin being plus three was huge for us. But we controlled the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, which was was really important and will be for us moving forward on continuing to, to be able to do that on both sides of the ball. I thought we did it from the start. And that's not just the offensive line, but two tight ends and the backs protecting. And then defensively, it's absolutely the front four. But then also the next level. The second level, I thought we were in control there on stopping the run, and then being able to establish the run game on offense. I think, you know, you look at when our offense got the opportunities down on the other side of the 50, we came away with points, which was huge, we scored in the red zone. And then defensively other than one in the second half, we eliminated big plays, which is the sign of what a good defense is supposed to do,. You're going to give up some plays, they can't turn into 15 yards and plus. And so we eliminated those from the first week. And now the trend of having to continue that and having the opportunity to do that will be so important for us to have success. Want to congratulate Nick Bolton on being the defensive SEC Player of the Week. Awesome award for him, he played well, was very productive. And also it goes to you know, he didn't do it by himself. So that side of the ball should take some ownership on that. And you know, when you win, and you have guys that are productive then that side of the ball usually gets recognized. And I think Nick is just starting to scratch the surface on the player that he's going to be for us. He's still young, and in game experience, that's considered but he's done some really good things for two weeks, and more specifically here the second week than he did the first. So you know, you always want to learn from your experiences and your opportunities. And we have from this game, just like we did from the first week. One thing that that we looked at, in the second half, so it was 31-0 at halftime, you come out the second half. And I don't think we kept the same intensity, especially on the offensive side. And I know a number of guys are rolling in but the standard of what we need to do when those guys get in the game, there shouldn't be a drop off. And so we've got to hopefully get in that position again. And sure hope that's the case. And then we'll learn from it no matter who's in the game, the standard of playing and finishing the game. And then it is really hard to get a shutout in college football, we had one going and they gave up the long post play. So we'll learn from those and the improvement we made from week one to week two is huge. And now we got to make the next step and I think we can be a lot better football team than we were Saturday. So you know the urgency to get there and do the things we need to to be our best align with their habits and then go on and execute doing it week in and week out.

We'll get into our third opponent in Southeast Missouri State. Look at really thei schedule, they're 1-1 they ran away with the game against Southern Illinois, they dominated in all aspects and then lost it at Montana State, a tough place to play. They lost there Saturday night late. The game was close. It's close throughout and Montana State kind of exploded in the third quarter. I think they scored 28 in the third quarter or something. Their quarterback a transfer from Northern Illinois. He's a really, really good player, he makes things happen in the pass game. He's elusive, he runs really well. And then they've got three runners, three running backs that I'm impressed with, the way they run. They're powerful, they're strong. And then defensively I've spent a lot of time with the staff when I was at Memphis you know, (Tom) Matukewicz going into year six for him. They're a nine when team last year, they were in the playoffs. They're a really really solid team and he's done a great job. They're aggressive on defense, you got to earn every inch the way that they align. It's very difficult to run the ball and and then the way that they play their matchups. Defensively will have our work cut out for us, so excited to have another chance to play at home. And it's going to be an advantage for us. And I do I credit our fans for last week. As I said post game and I still think it you know, I felt the energy from the crowd. And that was awesome. And now we need more. Okay, let's bring it again this week and make sure that you know my team, our guys are going to work hard this week, we'll get ready to try to play our best game on Saturday night when we kick the ball off. Open up for questions."

Christian Wilkerson has 25 touchdowns for his career, including 14 last season. Can you talk a little bit about the challenge he presents to the defense?

"Yeah, they find ways to get him involved. And then he's a long target that he comes down with the ball and does a great job in you know, running after the catch and things that really in the red zone, and I think it was Montana State if I remember right on the videos, two defenders went in, got it, you know, really between him, you know, He's a talented player. So they want to try to find, you know, ways to stretch the field vertically with him and get him because of his length. And he's he's really good player."

I think couple years ago that the Big 10 said their teams couldn't play FCS games and what's kind of your feeling on that? What benefits are there to doing it?

"I think there's other ways to look at it. And then, you know, I've had one or two small votes in scheduling in like 2025. So don't hold me to the reasons this season the way it is lined up. I know we got five home games, I wasn't in charge of that one either. So I think there's value on both sides of as you look at it you know, the stance that that the SEC has taken on what they think about scheduling and trying to move towards and understanding that support I stand by Commissioner Sankey on those. Also, look, this is the schedule that I've been handed and we've been handed, I am glad that it's an in state game. I think that's important, I think there's value in that, but also know that Southeast Missouri, I know coach Tuk is going to have his guys coming in here, ready to play their best game and try to knock us off. So you know, there's a million different ways to look at it. You know, what's best, what's not, I need to refrain from from having too many comments on. I need to get my guys ready to go play no matter who the opponent is, and maybe some day I can stand up here and say, 'Hey, this is the way we ought to schedule. And this is what we ought to do.' But I'm not there yet.

You have spoken highly of Nick Bolton pretty much since he got to campus. What did you see in him?

"It's been so different than most young guys. Last year he played some as a true freshman, he's really mature as a competitor. And he's maturing his habits on how he prepares. I was a little disappointed, I guess in a way in his week one performance, you know, because we had seen so much better than he played that week one. Maybe getting into the game groove of doing it, had to do it for four quarters. I think he's got more confidence now after being you know, another full game under his belt. So he's got a good guy lined up next to him kind of showing him the ropes on how to prepare and the things to do. But it means something to do it. And he understands how important his role is in the defensive structure on how we play. I think he's going to keep going, I think he's gonna have a chance to be a really, really good linebacker."

He was committed elsewhere and then you guys picked him up kind of late if I remember correctly.

"Yeah, I don't recall where he was committed. I don't know if he decommitted from them or they decommitted from him. I don't really recall. I remember wanting to get another linebacker in that class. And you know, he was part of that group that we took. And I don't, you know, I don't remember if he was really highly recruited as much, but I do know, we liked the things in our measurables on the way that he stood out and had a chance at being a good player. Not only because his physical skill set, but the things that he brought to the table in the classroom, the desire and character that he brought to our program. And he's been exactly what we thought we were going to get. So it's good when those things work out."

Dawson Downing got a lot of work last week. Was that the plan going into the game?

"Yeah, it was, he's earned it. And, you know, we're going to continue to grow his role. Every player on the roster, if they continue to show value and give us an opportunity to step in and help us win a game, then they're going to play and Dawson's done a great job. I think he got into the second quarter and, you know, had some meaningful snaps and carries did a great job in the protection when he was in there. And he's a tough player and got a lot of respect in our locker room."

You struggled with penalties against West Virginia. How do you plan to clean that up?

"Yeah. So we did, we had nine penalties, I think for close to 100 yards in the first half alone. And then the second half, we had one for five yards. So the message at halftime obviously fixed it. Nine in the first half, one in the second half and we looked at all of them. And you know, there were some of them were technique warranted that we were not in position, the way that we should with their hands or maybe your eyes, those things are fundamental habits that you create or allow to be created throughout the course of the week. So I'm sure hopeful, I'm thankful or thinking that we got those moving in the right direction. And, you know, we'll learn from it and, and obviously, we can't have 100 yards. We're not good enough to beat anybody with 100 yards in penalties."

What can you tell us about SEMO's middle linebacker, he's a very productive player.

"He is a very active player and the way that they play defensively, you know, with their alignment in the structure. I mean, there's a lot of times those two inside backers, they're free to run and hit. And those two guys that they've got right now, specifically him really, really active all over the field. He waits and pauses just long enough to diagnose the play. And then he's there, he's a good player. And, you know, once he gets in position to make the tackle, he makes it. You don't see him out of position missing tackles. So he's a really solid player and they make it tough to try to run the ball against them the way they line up out of the box and in the box. You know, really any structure that you lined up offensively, the things that they've shown now last year and the first two games this year, they present some challenges with the alignment alone their their coaching staff's really good.

Do you expect Trajan Jeffcoat to be cleared this week?

"I don't think he will be cleared this week. He's getting really, really close. And it's in a position where you know, could he go this week? Maybe. But we're not we're not really into maybes when it comes to the the medical decisions. We will get a little bit more of a clearer picture on Thursday. He did more in practice, but I don't know (if he'll be ready)."

Isaiah McGuire and Darius Robinson both played last week. Is that more necessity or have you seen things where you think they can help you this year?

"A little bit of both and I think both of them, specifically Isaiah, I think he's going to play and keep coming. You see things in fall camp and then now the first two weeks he's going to be a guy that that will help us be on and they've done some things on special teams that I think can be, you know, he, Stacy Brown, Martez Manuel, all three of those guys on teams have helped us and they did a great job last week. And I think they're playing, their roles are going to continue to grow because they're grasping the things that we're putting on them, they're understanding it. They're handling it in a in a mature way. So you know, those guys had a big role last week. And I mean, it looks like it's going to continue to grow a little bit.

One thing I didn't mention, wrote it down somewhere, failed to mention it. But Chris Mills, the one injury we had the other day, Chris Mills, defensive back had a knee injury, and he'll be out indefinitely, you know, hate it, because he was making so much progress. You know, he got hurt on a special teams play late, and but he'll be out for some time."

After watching film what did you think of Kelly Bryant's game last week?

"I thought he did good for for two quarters, I thought he played well and made some good decisions. He's a tough guy to tackle. Made some good decisions with the ball. You know, there's a couple that he wants back and he's going to continue to grow in those areas, we were limited on how many times we called a true run with him. If it had been a close game, we would have kept him in the game. But we were up in the position that we were at the time of the game. So get him out and get into practice today.

Obviously you took your foot off the gas in the second half, but how much do you want to see your guys in a game like this put it together for all four quarters?

"Well, I think this will be huge for us. And as I mentioned earlier, my notes, you know, the things that you learn from the experiences, the opportunities to not finish the game, we didn't finish very well, you know, we didn't finish on offense with scoring points in the second half. And then defensively, we gave up, you know, the touchdown. So it will grow from that we've got to understand that, you know, every game for us, I don't care who it is, if we prepare the right way, and we do the things that we need to, it will be decided in fourth quarter."

You talked a lot about Niko Hea in camp. What did you see in him that impressed you?

"Made plays, was assignment sound, was mature, prepared hard, athletic ability. It means something to him. He is happy to be a Missouri Tiger, is tough, competitive. And he's got some grit about himself. Those seven or eight characteristics that we saw that he showed up and showed consistently going it about every day. So his role is continuing to grow. And sure glad he's on our team."

Adam Sparks played quite a bit on Saturday. Does he bring something different to the cornerback group?

"I think some value to experience because he has played, he's played in some meaningful games for us, meaningful snaps. So it's good to see him back, you know, after that injury that he had last year, and he's going to continue to get better as we get him into the game. And he's earned that opportunity. So he'll keep playing and hopefully keep playing well."

How is it a guy that size is maybe your most physical corner?

"I don't know. That same question has come up a number of times. But he's got a knack for it, not afraid to put his face in there. And I'm proud that that he likes to play that way."

Barrett Banister had his first career touchdown...

"Is that his first touchdown? I should have should have made mention of that. He does it every day in practice, his habits are aligning, show up on game day. And you know, the thing that he continues to do is be accountable. Quarterback knows exactly where he's going to be on his routes and he is fairly trustworthy in catching the ball, you know, he's never run out there and had a bunch of drops. So usually those things align with a pretty good receiver. And I'm glad that that he got a score. And it's good play design, good execution. And hopefully, it's the first of many."

The redshirt rule obviously changed things, but has your view of freshmen changed since you first got into college football?

"Yeah, I think you know, definitely in the last 10 years, it's changed dramatically. And then, you know, with this rule, now it's changed. I mean, I don't even really think about them being freshmen anymore. Can we get the guy ready to go play? Can we, then, is he a four game guy? Or is he for the rest of the season? So, you know, I think if you can get to a point where you plan effectively for four games, you know, and then they don't play past that, you know, you look at the next year that game experience and the preparation that it takes to play in those four games, man that second year, they're going to be so much further along. The last two years, we've got them in position we've played, I think 15 and 13 true freshmen, played them an entire year. So I don't think we'll have that number this year that play the entire year. But we might, you know, it's kind of depends on how this goes. So it's changed a great deal. And you know, you better right in your evaluation, and you can't afford to miss because of the hard signing count of 25. You know that number that's there. And also, you know, you get guys in early on it's a long season, you still get 10 weeks plus two bye weeks, still a 12 week season for them, usually as freshmen. This hasn't changed, you know, the same way when I was in that situation is mentally it's more difficult than about anything, you know, and just to be able to maintain the focus, it takes week in, week out to do it for an entire season. So I like to think, you know, there's still a couple guys out there that I think can play the rest of the year."

This is the 500th game in Memorial Stadium. Do you have a favorite memory that stands out?

"I mean, there's a bunch of amount I shouldn't limit it to one. I know that's the question, but I'll get back to you postgame and let you know what I've come up with. But it's an ownership and responsibility I have as the head coach to make sure that we play really well. But really, you know, we got to protect your house. And we're off to a good start with that. But now we're going to build on it. You know, the most important game schedule is Saturday night. Well, this game, focused on this game."

What do you want to see out of your offensive line going forward?

"I want them to control the line of scrimmage, I want to be able to protect the passer and do it in a fashion, in a way, with great urgency and toughness. And if we can do that, then we'll have a chance to run the ball and a chance to have great pass protection. And that's what those guys need to do."

Last week you said Aubrey Miller was out indefinitely. With him having surgery do you have an update on the timetable?

"I don't know. We might get one in the next couple weeks but right now it will be still indefinitely."

I know you can't talk about specific players but does having five straight home games give you any advantage in recruiting?

"We had a number of guys here last week, we have more guys here this next week on unofficial visits and that's always good. It's great to have them in this building and the environment we have out there during the game. And you know there's plenty of access. So you can't tell me it's hard to get to a game where we play five straight at home."

How have you seen Yasir Durant develop?

"He's played a lot of ball played at a high level, I think he's an all conference type guy and it shows up in the way that he is continuing to play. When the left tackle is playing well then usually you're playing good football. Obviously, as we get into the heart of the schedule, his workloads will increase so we're excited about what he's done."

Kelly targeted eight different receivers last week. Is that the kind of balance you're looking for?

"Throw to the open guy. I mean, but we do have opportunities with a number of playmakers we got to find ways to get them the ball, but then they need to catch it and they need to do something run after catch. So you know, there will be a game I'm guessing that somebody quote unquote gets the hot streak you know, I mean, you just go do your job. I don't know. You know, maybe that'll happen this week. Maybe it won't and they will keep spreading it out but we got guys that need to earn it throughout the week and then go execute it on Saturday and if it's 10 guys can catch one, awesome if it's two or three let's work to be an efficient offense."

Did you say when you were at Memphis you worked with the SEMO staff in the offseason?

"Yeah, we got together this you know, I guess Cape's about halfway between here and Memphis. So they've been here a number of times, we work camps together. I think their staff is outstanding. Mark Alnutt made the hire, give a shout out to Mark it was a great hire. Thanks, guys. Have a great week."
